
Thursday, July 24, 2003

I bleed to know
if I have gone
completely numb

the pain reminds
me of a life I knew
missing it each day

a simple motion
brings back memories
of love and hurt

so much contained
inside such a tiny
drop of my blood

would others see
the past that haunts
me each time I visit

the plane of pain
frequent flier I am
they know me by name

Visiting there is swift
always the journey back
full of hardships and hurt

the longer I stay away
means each time i return
the longer I will visit

The wounds inside me
will never fully heal
though no fault of mine

for I was born this way
as each hurt tears a piece
from my broken heart
Some thoughts for the evening.
Life is pain. Either physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental. To suffer and live through it. To suffer and learn. Suffering is a theme in my life. Perhaps joy and such should be my goal but it isn't. To suffer and rejoyce in such a feeling. To feel pain and know I am alive. The control of the knife in my hands. The blood dribbling down. The things I live for at the moment. The control, anger, hate, and pain. Focused on myself and suffering alone. Twisted and demented thoughts at the moment. That is my life.

Monday, July 21, 2003

Step into the light..
I was going to write something intelligent or at least thoughtful. Sadly was listening to some music and a song came up instead. It was Step into the light by Dust for life. It was a band that when I first heard the song I thought it had more promise. I bought the CD and listened to it for a few days and evuantally my mood shifted and set it on my shelf. A while back ago I ripped my CD's and use a playlist to match my moods. I came across this song again. So I do a search to see what I can find out about DFL to see if they have came up with new music. Sadly nothing. It almost appears they broke up and nothing was heard again. Like dust in the wind. I never enjoy the feeling when a band I like breaks up or simply stops making music. To have such a talent and to withhold it to me would be torture. I hope they are doing something they love. Perhaps they will come together again or do something in the future.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

So far today I have played lots of warcraft 3. I also threw in some Tribes 2 for added fun. The past week since no work has been fun but there have been lots of moments where I was bored. Getting my wisdom teeth pulled out was not really that painful. It was more or less just a draining expierence. I should have done a blogg or something sooner to give myself something to do. I imagine I could post some random poems and short stories here and then review at a later date. Blah. I think I will play some more Tribes 2.
We all have problems. Some of us try to get professional help. Others seek a different path. This is my path. To heal myself and in the course to write some good stuff. The only audience listening is myself. The only voice speaking sadly is not my own.

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